Competitive Policy and Procedures
For more information on our Competitive Team, please contact us!
Our Club has a zero tolerance for bullying and being physical with other gymnasts and Coaches. Please see our Club policy Here: Code of Conduct
Click on document below to read about our competitive program requirements:
Gymnasts must be invited to Selkirk Challengers Competitive Team.
For more information, please email:
Facility Access
Facility Access
Prior to entering the facility, all individuals must assess (or be assessed by their guardian/parent) in consideration for symptoms of a communicable disease (for example: fever or chills, coughing, runny nose, diarrhea, etc.). Those experiencing symptoms of a communicable disease are asked to avoid attending the gymnasium until symptoms have subsided.
A separate facility entrance/exit has been created for Selkirk Challengers Gymnastics Club. The doors are located on the east side of the building, next to the baseball field. Signage will be posted to guide families to the designated entrance/exit. Please avoid use of the main doors of Kinnaird Park Community Church unless you have been directed by SCGC staff to do otherwise.
Masks are OPTIONAL for those individuals over 5 years of age. As we are located within Kinnaird Park Community Church (KPCC), all individuals ages 5+ entering our facility must abide by KPCC’s current mask policy.
Please arrive for class no earlier than 5 minutes prior to class start time. Parents / Guardians and participants will be asked to wait in their vehicle until the door is propped open a few minutes prior to the beginning of each class, at which time, club personnel will manage the flow of individuals entering the facility to ensure that hand sanitizer is used when first entering the building. Gymnasts can wait in our hallway until the coach invites everyone inside the gym to begin class.
When possible, participants should arrive dressed for their activity. If needed, our facility does have a locker room and washroom where participants can get ready. Gymnasts can wear active wear, yoga attire, leotard, or even a simple t-shirt with shorts/sweats. No belly shirts or jeans please. Gymnasts with longer hair will be required to have it tied back for safety issues.
If your child will be arriving to our centre by school bus, please contact the SCGC office to advise & we will make special arrangements.
If your child will be attending Silly Monkeys Day Care or After School Care along with gymnastics classes, please check with Silly Monkeys as to their current policies FIRST. Once approval has been given by Silly Monkeys, please contact the SCGC office to advise and we will make special arrangements.
We request that only one parent/guardian accompany their child inside the facility.
Parents should plan, accordingly, to be on time to pick up their child at the entrance /exit to the facility immediately after class. Children will not be allowed to head to the parking lot alone, as we want to ensure each child is safely re-united with a parent or guardian.
Due to space constraints, SCGC will NOT be providing a spectator viewing area. Depending on the Covid-19 restrictions, we may be able to offer family viewing days throughout the season, which will allow your family to see and celebrate your child’s accomplishments.
Facility Operations
Facility Operations
SCGC will follow all direction from medical health officers and our Regional Health Authority: Interior Health. We will follow all orders, guidance, recommendations, and notices issued by the provincial health officer that are relevant to our industry, region, and workplace.
Staff and gymnasts will have access to multiple hand sanitization stations. Gymnasts will be asked to sanitize their hands upon entry to the gym, and after using the washroom, locker room, or common room.
We will work to increase ventilation where possible, and weather permitting.
We have restricted gymnast access to the water fountain; the door to this room will remain locked during classes. Please do your best to arrive with a full bottle of water. Coaches can fill water bottles if needed.
Safety protocols will be reviewed with staff monthly and adjusted as needed or as directed by Gymnastics BC, viaSport, or WorkSafe BC.
Cleaning Protocol
As the facility operator, we hold the overall responsibility for cleaning protocols within our facility, and a cleaning and sanitation protocol has been created that will be strictly followed.
Entrance, hallway space, washroom, and other areas with high touchpoints will be cleaned and disinfected daily and as needed.
Surfaces with pre-identified high touchpoints such as doorknobs, handrails, guest seating, kitchen/break areas, etc. will be cleaned daily and as needed.
Gym equipment will be disinfected daily. Floors and mats will be cleaned daily.
All used cleaning products and other waste materials will be deposited into lined garbage bins for their safe disposal.
How to Clean
Prior to cleaning we will:
- read the labels on cleaning products and follow the directions.
- wear gloves and protective eye wear, when required.
- use caution when mixing cleaning chemicals
- ensure that all cleaning products are authorized disinfectants against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19
- maintain adequate supplies for high frequency hand-sanitization and disinfection of surfaces (e.g., soap, paper towel, bleach solution).
When cleaning we will:
- use equipment cleaning strategies as provided by Spieth America & Gymnastics BC:
- wash first, then disinfect.
Members will be informed of safety protocols before their first visit to the gym, to foster confidence in the staff’s commitment to keep everyone safe. Please check our website and our Facebook page for this information.
Facebook Page:
The level of risk of certain communicable diseases, including COVID-19, may increase from time to time or on a seasonal basis and result in programming changes (e.g., limitations on number of people permitted inside the facility at once, policies regarding spotting, etc.). Additional measures may be implemented when advised to do so by Public Health and/or Gymnastics BC. SCGC will monitor and review communicable disease-related information regularly. Any changes to our Communicable Disease Plan will be communicated to our members by email in a timely manner.
All Communicable Disease communications, compliance, and coordination in the gym can be directed to our appointed Safety Representative: Amy Lockhart (Office Manager). She can be reached by emailing the club’s main email account: or by phoning SCGC at 250-365-5563.
Any discussion between parents and coaches will be completed over the phone, email or by electronic communication. In-person communications must be requested, and an appointment can be booked.
The following signage from WorkSafe BC will be posted throughout the gym:
- Entry Check for Visitors
- Handwashing
- Cover coughs & sneezes
Insurance claims related to the transmission of COVID-19 will not be covered by Gymnastics BC’s insurance policies. Although the BC provincial government has taken action to reduce COVID 19 liability, it is the responsibility of each member club to ensure that their individual members are aware of the risk they assume by entering to the gym.
Resources that have been provided by WorkSafeBC and Gymnastics BC have been posted on the club's website & within the gymnasium.
- Illness Policy
- Personal hygiene requirements
- Cleaning protocols
Stafff & Volunteers
Train Staff and Volunteers
We will continually review these protocols, so our clubs’ Communicable Disease Plan becomes second nature.
It will be the responsibility of staff and volunteers to maintain the following gym protocols:
Ensure cleaning protocols have been adhered to in all spaces.
Ensure that handwashing or sanitizing is done frequently – at entry, throughout classes, and before/after breaks.
We will help staff and volunteers to identify the best way to resolve conflict, manage anxiety, and balance competing priorities by encouraging open communication with our staff & Board of Directors.
Coaches have been trained on:
- the best ways to explain & demonstrate new protocols to children.
- how to make all athletes aware of the gym’s new safety protocols.
- how to make athletes aware of their responsibility in maintaining their health, and the health of others.
Any staff member can take up to 3 hours of paid leave to be vaccinated against COVID-19. If necessary, they can take additional paid leave for a second dose. Employees are entitled to this leave no matter how long they have been employed. Paid leave is retroactive to April 19, 2021.
According to WorkSafeBC, staff have a right to refuse to work in unsafe conditions (WorkSafeBC website). Staff and supervisors must be prepared to respond to such concerns.
Staff and volunteers that are experiencing communicable disease symptoms will not attend the gymnasium. Substitute coaches will be used when possible. If classes are cancelled due to staff shortage, refunds will be issued. SCGC will provide work-from-home duties to our coaches, when requested, if a coach is unable to attend the gymnasium due to communicable disease symptoms.
Scheduling of Activities
Scheduling of Activities
The Rule of Two will always be adhered to. This means that no one-on-one training will take place unless another coach is present.
Detailed attendance tracking will be done for all activities. This includes staff, volunteers, and participants.
We will ask that gymnasts arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to class start time.
Our training groups will remain small and consistent by:
- small class sizes of 6 to 8 gymnasts per coach
- only having up to 3 classes running at one time
- staggering classes, so group arrivals and departures do not overlap and to also allow for scheduled time between classes for proper cleaning
Family viewing days will be held throughout each session if public health orders allow. Dates & times of each family viewing day will be emailed to our members. Due to space constraints, we are unable to provide a spectator viewing area on a daily basis.
Injury Protocol
Injury Protocol
Our club will have well stocked first aid kits and personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and masks, on hand.
First aid kit(s) and PPE will be stored separately in the case of an emergency.
First aid kits will be marked with clear signage, so those who may be new to gym (such as volunteers) will be able to easily access them.
Minor injuries will be documents in our gym booklet and if cause concern to the Coach will be communicated to the parents / caregivers.
Major Injuries or accidents will follow our Injury or Accident Protocol, calling the parent / caregiver and if needed 911. After which the Coach who was the charge person will complete the appropriate GymBC reporting form.
Illness Policy
Illness Policy
Our Board of Directors has adopted the following Illness Policy to which our club will adhere to.
- In this policy, “Team Member” includes an employee, volunteer, participant, or parent/spectator.
- Inform an individual in a position of authority (coach, team manager, program coordinator) immediately if, you feel any symptoms of a communicable disease, such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and loss of appetite.
- Assessment
- Daily Screening forms are NOT required at this time. All individuals entering our facility must be free of communicable disease symptoms. If you are unsure whether your symptoms suggest a communicable disease, please contact Health Link BC at 8-1-1.
- Team Members can also use an online self-assessment tool at through the COVID-19 BC Support App self assessment tool.
- If a Team Member is feeling sick with communicable disease symptoms
- They should remain at home and contact Health Link BC at 8-1-1.
- If they feel sick and /or are showing symptoms during their shift/practice/activity, they should be sent home immediately and told to contact Health Link BC at 8-1-1 or a doctor for further guidance.
- No Team Member may participate in a practice/activity if they are symptomatic.
- If a Team Member tests positive for COVID-19
- The Team Member will not be permitted to return to the workplace/practice/facility until they are free of the COVID-19 virus.
- Any Team Members who has worked/played closely with an infected Team Member will seek advice through Health Link BC and follow their medical advice & guidelines.
- SCGC will close off, clean, and disinfect their work/practice/facility area immediately and any surfaces that could have potentially be infected/touched.
- Team Members can only resume work if they have been given permission to do so by a health authority.
- If a Team Member has been tested and is waiting for the results of a COVID-19 Test
- As with the confirmed case, the Team Member must be removed from the workplace/practice/facility.
- The workspace/practice/activity space will be closed off, cleaned, and disinfected immediately and any other surfaces that could have potentially been infected/touched.
- If a Team Member has come in to contact with someone who is confirmed to have COVID-19:
- Team Members must advise their employer/coach if they reasonably believe they have been exposed to COVID-19. Team Members will contact Health Link BC and follow their recommendations.
Communicable Disease Plan
Approved by SCGC Board of Directors on July 7th, 2021
Amended to reflect current public health orders on Jan. 8th, 2022
Amended mask policy to reflect current public health orders as of Mar. 30th, 2022
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